I have some code to resize a chatpanel dynamically, but it does not move according to the mouse. What happens is the mouse moves at a faster rate than the panel gets resized. For example, how I want it to be, is in any application, when you click on the border between two windows, and drag it, the mouse stays along with the piece you are clicking on, and currently this is not happening. here is my code. please let me know if you need more
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
if(getCursor().getType() == Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.N_RESIZE_CURSOR).getType()) {
System.out.println("vertpanel: "+(int)MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().getY());
public void adjust(int adjustment) {
int height = this.getHeight();
output.componentResized(new ComponentEvent(this, 1));
input.componentResized(new ComponentEvent(this, 2));
there is one main panel, a chatpanel, and within it, there are two smaller panels, a chat input and a chat output
Can't tell exactly what you are doing based on your code.
I would suggest that you should NOT be manually setting the dimensions of the output and input coponents. You should let the layout manager determine how to resize each component as the parent container is resized.
So in your resize code you would need to invoke revalidate() on the parent container as it is resized.
Check out Resizing Components. You should be able to use the
class as long as you usesetAutoLayout(true)