I've made my first little test web app and have that "technology" working, as per:
The next step is to enable a customer to be able to click on a status URL in an email so they can view the scheduling status of their job. So, the question:
Is it possible to create a URL which the webapp can then parse and pull data for?
A URL something like: https://script.google.com/a/macros/example.com/s/AKfycbwMgBLtVP8Ur8GKNpGxxjna_zr5BlegmvlFqXQW1g6q5UfksAg/exec/+123+sample+street+samplesuburb
and then the web app would pull and display the scheduling info related to that address.
Many thanks ~
As a working test, I used:
A web app URL with a parameter, like: https://script.google.com/a/macros/example.com/s/AKfycbwMgBLhu88Ur8GKNpGxxjna_zr5BlegmvlFqXQW1g6q5UPksAg/exec?street=65_Fields_Ave ...with "street=65_Fields_Ave" concatenated to the web app URL from spreadsheet data for a specific customer, to be included in their Booking email.
And read the street like (the real script will test for suburb too):
Then searched for the row in the spreadsheet and presented the data via:
And in the HTML file:
Note that the web app needs to be published as a new version after each change:
Works like a charm! Thank you Anton Dementiev.
You can inspect the 'e' object of the doGet() function to get URL parameters
See 'URL parameters' section here https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/web