I'm having trouble getting the sortedIndex
underscore method to return a useful value. I have a collection with a comparator, and that's adding models correctly in order. I would just like to know the potential index of a new model, and the sortedIndex
method is return 0 matter what I try.
var Chapter = Backbone.Model;
var chapters = new Backbone.Collection;
chapters.comparator = function(chapter) {
return chapter.get("page");
chapters.add(new Chapter({page: 9, title: "The End"}));
chapters.add(new Chapter({page: 5, title: "The Middle"}));
chapters.add(new Chapter({page: 1, title: "The Beginning"}));
var foo = new Chapter({ page: 3, title: 'Bar' });
// Will always return 0 no matter the value of page in foo.
I know there's something wrong in there, or perhaps that's no the intention of sortedIndex but I'm unsure either way.
The problem is Underscore.js knows nothing about the
function of the collection and expects comparator as an argument ofsortedIndex
function. This will work as expected: