from a Home VC, embedded in a storyboard: I tap on the left button, performing a segue. This segue will lead me to a navigation controller with its own tableview (the one that comes with the object). I simply want a black navigation bar, but it seems that navigation bar is before the view and the view, i before the tableView.
in storyboard I set: the navigation bar to "opaque black navigation bar" in table view's attributes inspector I set view's background to red (is a test)
check the last image for update
my storyboard:
the problem in the storyboard:
but what I obtain is a sort of sovrapposition, like this.
UPADATE (new problem navigation bar black, status bar transparent, and can't hide it from storyboard):
Set navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;
In the storyboard for the viewController check if the "Adjust Scroll View Insets" property is checked unser "View Contoller" layout