I'm trying to pass an array of objects into an MVC controller method using jQuery's ajax() function. When I get into the PassThing() C# controller method, the argument "things" is null. I've tried this using a type of List for the argument, but that doesn't work either. What am I doing wrong?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var things = [
{ id: 1, color: 'yellow' },
{ id: 2, color: 'blue' },
{ id: 3, color: 'red' }
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
url: '/Xhr/ThingController/PassThing',
data: JSON.stringify(things)
public class ThingController : Controller
public void PassThing(Thing[] things)
// do stuff with things here...
public class Thing
public int id { get; set; }
public string color { get; set; }
Wrapping your list of objects with another object containing a property that matches the name of the parameter which is expected by the MVC controller works. The important bit being the wrapper around the object list.
Using NickW's suggestion, I was able to get this working using
things = JSON.stringify({ 'things': things });
Here is the complete code.There are two things I learned from this:
The contentType and dataType settings are absolutely necessary in the ajax() function. It won't work if they are missing. I found this out after much trial and error.
To pass in an array of objects to an MVC controller method, simply use the JSON.stringify({ 'things': things }) format.
I hope this helps someone else!
Modification from @veeresh i
If you are using ASP.NET Web API then you should just pass
data: JSON.stringify(things)
.And your controller should look something like this:
I have perfect answer for all this : I tried so many solution not able to get finally myself able to manage , please find detail answer below: