I have found many many confusing answers on this one: How do I sign (release/debug) android app without Android Studio (E.g. when signing ionic/cordova/phonegap app)?
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You can Add Key store in Gradle file.
--> use CMD for generate signed APK.
So, the right and simple answer to date is:
Create a keystore file by calling:
Follow along and fill in and passwords (write them down in a place you'll find them!)
Create two files named:
Enter the following configuration to both (you can later change the keystore to harden the security for release build...):
Run build ...
I had the same problem. The easiest solution is to come back to the fundamentals through the DOS commands keytool and jarsigner. Note that these files must be located in the jdk directory to work well.
Only two actions to do:
- to use keytool for creating your keystore and your certificate(s):the first certificate is created when you create the single keystore. Then, the other certificates will be created by calling again the keytool command with the same keystore name
- then to use jarsigner. Prefer to differentiate the jar input filename and the generated signed jar filename when you prepare your jarsigner command
Ionic team giving a great idea about this query you can follow this link and you can do this with in 10 min's
But You need android sdk to do this ...
Linux Based Systems
Steps to Follow
Create release app
Create keystore
Signing the APK