I'm developing an app thant handles a SQLite database. I just get some information from it and show it in a list of CardViews. Each CardView basically displays the name, the age and a picture of a person.
Everything is working fine, but now that I have implemented the database, I have some doubts about it.
I just need to access to the drawables through the name of the files. So far I've been working manually with the R.drawable id, so I could check if it was working. Just like this:
Person p1 = new Person(name, age, R.drawable.person1);
And then I just add that Person to a List of Persons, to then pass this List as a parameter to the Adapter.
Basicaly, the name of the person and the name of the image is exactly the same. So, now that I get all of the persons from the database (in a list), I'd like to get the drawable from the file name, but I only now how to get it through the R.drawable.id of the picture.
I'd like to change the R.drawable attribute from an int
to a String
, so I can access the way I want.
My question is, is there anyway to do something like getDrawable("name_of_the_file.png");
or anything similar? Or is there any way to get the R.drawable.id through the name of the file?
Thanks in advance.
on aResources
object to retrieve the numericR
value given the package, resource type (e.g.,"drawable"
), and resource name (e.g.,"example"