I assumed this would be easy but I am stumped.
I have a custom content type that includes an id field. I render these with a basic page template.
I have written a small module that creates a block which is populated with data from an external API. Everything works except I cannot seem to figure out how to pass the value of the id from the content of a given page to my module so it can make the API call.
It would be a couple of lines of code in straight php, it can't be that complicated in Drupal 8 and twig can it?
I managed to find a solution here
I am re-posting it in case it is useful to anyone else.
If you are generating a custom block you can access content fields via the routing system inside your block build function like this:
I think you can reach what you want with a HOOK_preprocess.
to access your variable from the content type and pass it to your function oder template.