I wrote the below trigger and it was compiled successfully.
create or replace trigger after_update_datetable
after update on date_table
for each row
if(TRUNC(:new.end_date) - TRUNC(:new.start_date) > 90) THEN
UPDATE date_table set END_DATE = :old.END_DATE, START_DATE = :old.START_DATE;
However when I performed the below update statement I got this error
update date_table set end_date = sysdate, start_date = sysdate-100;
trigger failed -ORA-04098 is invalid and failed re-validation.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
you are updating the same table from the trigger, that is not allowed :
you better use a trigger for BEFORE instead of AFTER, and update the values of the record :NEW see this answer, it will be useful for you