This is a follow-up to my earlier question Lua: Semantic Similarity using Neural Networks.
For Semantic similarity I've execute the following code,
modelTrained = torch.load("download_local_location/", 'ascii')
local linputs = torch.zeros(rigth_sentence_length, emd_dimension)
linpus = XassignEmbeddingValuesX
local rinputs = torch.zeros(left_sentence_length, emd_dimension)
rinpus = XassignEmbeddingValuesX
local part2 = modelTrained.convModel:forward({linputs, rinputs})
local output = modelTrained.softMaxC:forward(part2)
local val = torch.range(0, 5, 1):dot(output:exp())
return val/5
And Execute it using the following command in terminal,
> th similarity.lua
But the error it displays is,
while creating metatable similarityMeasure.Conv: bad argument #1 (similarityMeasure is an invalid module name)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'newmetatable'
/torch/install/share/lua/5.2/torch/init.lua:102: in function 'class'
.../textSimilarityConvNet-master/Conv.lua:1: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'dofile'
/torch/install/share/lua/5.2/paths/init.lua:84: in function 'dofile'
/torch/install/share/lua/5.2/torch/init.lua:49: in function 'include'
similarity.lua:1: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'dofile'
.../torch/install/lib/luarocks/rocks/trepl/scm-1/bin/th:150: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
First few lines in Conv.lua is,
local Conv = torch.class('similarityMeasure.Conv')
function Conv:__init(config)
self.mem_dim = config.mem_dim or 150
self.learning_rate = config.learning_rate or 0.01
self.batch_size = config.batch_size or 1 --25
self.num_layers = config.num_layers or 1
self.reg = config.reg or 1e-4
self.structure = config.structure or 'lstm' -- {lstm, bilstm}
self.sim_nhidden = config.sim_nhidden or 150
self.task = config.task or 'sic' -- or 'vid'
-- word embedding
self.emb_vecs = config.emb_vecs
self.emb_dim = config.emb_vecs:size(2)
Please guide me to solve this.
It should work. Also the repo has been recently updated.
Once you installed the torch library properly, then you can check and see the newly added/provided testDeployment.lua file, as an example to see how to use the trained model properly.
You are missing the similarityMeasure module (and likely other modules as well). I'm guessing that the things you are missing are dependencies that are not included with the default Torch installation. The installation instructions in the Github respository's readme file say the following:
If you installed Torch some other way, try doing it using the linked distro instead and see if that fixes the problem.