been trying to play with sails framework as planning to port my express app. The problem I got into was how to make express-device npm package to work with it. In express app I just require module like in this case var device = require('express-device') and then configure it in server.configure. Any help?
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It took me a bit of looking at the Sails middleware documentation ( to figure this out, but it ends up being a little easier than the previous answer.
, you'll want to add the following bits of code:This will get the same result as the previous answer of having
available on every request.Ok, so I found the solution... After running npm install express-device --save I had to create a express.js module inside of config/ dir and the content of module looks like this:
so now in each controller I can find the type of device that request is coming from if I need to:
Maybe there's some more clever ways to do this but this works fine for me :)