I want to make links and input elements on my page have foucs that is navigable by arrowkeys. This is easy if I just think about up/down arrow keys, which are the same pattern as tab/shift+tab.
Just find the next element and focus it.
Can anyone suggest a neat way to handle the case where the user wants to left/right across the the closest element?
I think the best method is to define a custom, arrow_nav ordering index, something along these lines:
Then we can vertically arrow between (1,2,3) and (4,5,6) without changing columns. Also we can horizontally arrow between (1,4), (2,5), (3,6), without changing rows.
That's the basic idea. I think doing this as a custom map. Or simply automating it by specifying a column height for a column of inputs, and then implicitly giving each input the index of the order in which it was added will make arrow navigation a reality.