This is the php implementation of the same scheduler. I made this php implementation, because I thought I have issue with nodejs async nature. Unfortunately, they have the same issue. This may indicate that something wrong with my logic or mysql. I had hard time to figure why.
I have 10 commands stored in schedule table. When the day code, hour and minute are matching up with current day code, hour and minute. Those commands will copy into command table. This relies on the scheduler I am implementing.
Here is the result of after the schedule ran. It supposes that one schedule will have one insertion in command table. Currently, one schedule has 2 insertions in command table and schedule_id is NULL in the duplication. That is very strange. I spent a long time and couldn't figure out why. Is it a race condition? I don't get it.
Full code
function connect_db() {
global $g_pdo;
$g_pdo = Database::connect();
function close_db() {
function get_current_utc_time() {
$date_utc = new \DateTime(null, new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));
return $date_utc->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
function insert_into_pending_cmd($schedule_id, $device_name, $cmd) {
global $g_pdo;
global $g_is_test_table;
printf("\n** insert_into_pending_cmd **\n");
$curr_time = get_current_utc_time();
if($g_is_test_table) {
$sql = "insert into cmd_test set CommandDate = ". "'". $curr_time. "'". ",". "RemoteName = ". "'". $device_name. "'". ",". "CommandJSON = ". "'". $cmd. "'". ",". "CommandComplete = 0". ",". "ScheduleId = ". "'". $schedule_id. "'";
else {
$sql = "insert into Command set CommandDate = ". "'". $curr_time. "'". ",". "RemoteName = ". "'". $device_name. "'". ",". "CommandJSON = ". "'". $cmd. "'". ",". "CommandComplete = 0". ",". "ScheduleId = ". "'". $schedule_id. "'";
printf("\nsql:, %s\n", $sql);
$q = $g_pdo->query($sql);
function is_schedule_already_pending($schedule_id, $device_name) {
global $g_pdo;
global $g_is_test_table;
$condi = true;
printf("\n** is_schedule_already_pending **\n");
if($g_is_test_table) {
$sql = "select count(*) as num from cmd_test where ScheduleId = ". "'". $schedule_id. "'". " and CommandComplete = 0 and RemoteName = ". "'". $device_name. "'";
else {
$sql = "select count(*) as num from Command where ScheduleId = ". "'". $schedule_id. "'". " and CommandComplete = 0 and RemoteName = ". "'". $device_name. "'";
printf("\nsql:, %s\n", $sql);
//$q = $g_pdo->prepare($sql);
$q = $g_pdo->query($sql);
$data = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$num = $data["num"];
if($num == 0) {
printf("\nnot there, schedule not in cmd, %s\n", $num);
$condi = false;
else {
printf("\nin there, schedule in cmd, %s\n", $num);
$condi = true;
return $condi;
function get_schedule_rows() {
global $g_pdo;
global $g_is_test_table;
printf("\n---- start ----\n");
if($g_is_test_table) {
$sql = "select ScheduleId, ScheduleRemoteName, ScheduleDaycode, ScheduleTime, ScheduleCommandJSON from schedule_test order by ScheduleId asc";
else {
$sql = "select ScheduleId, ScheduleRemoteName, ScheduleDaycode, ScheduleTime, ScheduleCommandJSON from Schedule order by ScheduleId asc";
//printf("\nsql:, %s\n", $sql);
//$q = $g_pdo->prepare($sql);
$q = $g_pdo->query($sql);
while($data = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$schedule_id = $data["ScheduleId"];
$device_name = $data["ScheduleRemoteName"];
$schedule_day_code = $data["ScheduleDaycode"];
$schedule_time = $data["ScheduleTime"];
$cmd = $data["ScheduleCommandJSON"];
// print schedule row
printf("\n== start schedule row ==\n");
printf("\n%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n", $schedule_id, $device_name, $schedule_day_code, $schedule_time, $cmd);
// schedule
$arr = explode(":", $schedule_time);
$schedule_h = $arr[0];
$schedule_min = $arr[1];
// print day_code, h and min
printf("\n%s, %s, %s\n", $schedule_day_code, $schedule_h, $schedule_min);
// curr
$date_utc = new \DateTime(null, new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$curr_day_code = $date_utc->format("w");
$curr_h = $date_utc->format("H");
$curr_min = $date_utc->format("i");
// print current utc day, etc
printf("\n%s, %s, %s\n", $curr_day_code, $curr_h, $curr_min);
// match day code
if($curr_day_code == $schedule_day_code) {
printf("\n..match up day code..\n");
if($curr_h == $schedule_h) {
printf("\n__match up hour__\n");
if($curr_min == $schedule_min) {
printf("\n## match up d-h-m ##\n");
// is schedule already pending
if(is_schedule_already_pending($schedule_id, $device_name)) {
// no insert
else {
// insert
insert_into_pending_cmd($schedule_id, $device_name, $cmd);
printf("\n== end schedule row ==\n");
printf("\n---- end ----\n");
function main() {
while(true) {
// run
output log
---- start ----
== start schedule row ==
254, BC1D300917, 2, 01:05:00, {"command":{"description":"Up","channel":2},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
2, 01, 05
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
255, BC1D300917, 4, 01:05:00, {"command":{"description":"Up","channel":2},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
4, 01, 05
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
256, BC1D300917, 2, 02:59:00, {"command":{"description":"Up","channel":2},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
2, 02, 59
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
257, BC1D300917, 4, 02:59:00, {"command":{"description":"Up","channel":2},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
4, 02, 59
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
258, BC1D300917, 2, 03:18:00, {"command":{"description":"Up","channel":2},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
2, 03, 18
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
259, BC1D300917, 4, 03:18:00, {"command":{"description":"Up","channel":2},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
4, 03, 18
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
266, BC14100310, 3, 21:30:00, {"command":{"channel":0,"description":"Down"},"type":"Becker1Channel"}
3, 21, 30
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
267, BC14100310, 6, 21:30:00, {"command":{"channel":0,"description":"Down"},"type":"Becker1Channel"}
6, 21, 30
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
288, BC14100316, 3, 21:09:00, {"command":{"channel":0,"description":"unrecognized command"},"type":"Becker1Channel"}
3, 21, 09
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
289, BC14100316, 6, 21:09:00, {"command":{"channel":0,"description":"unrecognized command"},"type":"Becker1Channel"}
6, 21, 09
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
290, BC1D100603, 1, 11:30:00, {"command":{"channel":4,"description":"Down"},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
1, 11, 30
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
291, BC1D100603, 3, 11:30:00, {"command":{"channel":4,"description":"Down"},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
3, 11, 30
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
292, BC1D100603, 6, 11:30:00, {"command":{"channel":4,"description":"Down"},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
6, 11, 30
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
293, BC1D100603, 9, 22:15:00, {"command":{"channel":4,"description":"Up"},"type":"Somfy4Channel"}
9, 22, 15
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
298, BC14100399, 100, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
100, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
299, BC14100399, 4, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
300, BC1U900046, 2, 03:26:00, {"command":{"channel":0,"description":"Up"},"type":"Viva4Channel"}
2, 03, 26
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
301, BC1U900046, 4, 03:26:00, {"command":{"channel":0,"description":"Up"},"type":"Viva4Channel"}
4, 03, 26
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
302, BC1U900046, 6, 03:26:00, {"command":{"channel":0,"description":"Up"},"type":"Viva4Channel"}
6, 03, 26
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
303, BC14100399, 4, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
304, BC14100399, 2, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
2, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
305, BC1H600654, 4, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "phoenix_multi_remote",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
306, BC1H600654, 3, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "phoenix_multi_remote",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "DOWN"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
307, BC14100399, 3, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
308, BC14100399, 5, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
5, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
309, BC1H600654, 4, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "phoenix_multi_remote",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "DOWN"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
310, BC1H600654, 4, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "phoenix_multi_remote",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
311, BC14100399, 4, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
312, BC14100399, 1, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
1, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
313, BC14100399, 3, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
314, BC14100399, 1, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
1, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
315, BC14100399, 5, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "DOWN"
5, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
316, BC14100399, 3, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
318, BC1M600204, 0, 08:20:00, {"command":{"channel":1,"description":"Up"},"type":"motolux_multi_remote"}
0, 08, 20
0, 06, 25
..match up day code..
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
319, BC1M600204, 0, 08:21:00, {"command":{"channel":1,"description":"Up"},"type":"motolux_multi_remote"}
0, 08, 21
0, 06, 25
..match up day code..
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
320, BC14100399, 3, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
321, BC1U900046, 4, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "tube_multi_remote",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
322, BC14100399, 4, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
323, BC14100399, 3, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
324, BC14100399, 2, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
2, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
325, BC1U900046, 3, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "Viva4Channel",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
326, BC14100399, 3, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
327, BC1F200700, 3, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "Dynaveil_Multi_remote",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
328, BC14100399, 4, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "generic_blind_1_channel"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
329, BC1F200716, 4, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "Dynaveil_Multi_remote",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
330, BC1U900046, 3, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "Viva4Channel",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
3, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
331, BC1D100603, 4, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "somfy_multi_remote",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
332, BC1F200697, 4, 00:00:00, {
"command" : {
"description" : "UP",
"channel" : "1"
"type" : "Dynaveil_Multi_remote"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
333, BC1U900046, 4, 00:00:00, {
"type" : "tube_multi_remote",
"command" : {
"channel" : "1",
"description" : "UP"
4, 00, 00
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
334, BC14100305, 1, 15:24:00, {"command":{"channel":1,"description":"Up"},"type":"generic_blind_1_channel"}
1, 15, 24
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
335, BC14100305, 2, 15:24:00, {"command":{"channel":1,"description":"Up"},"type":"generic_blind_1_channel"}
2, 15, 24
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
336, BC14100305, 3, 15:24:00, {"command":{"channel":1,"description":"Up"},"type":"generic_blind_1_channel"}
3, 15, 24
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
337, BC14100305, 5, 15:24:00, {"command":{"channel":1,"description":"Up"},"type":"generic_blind_1_channel"}
5, 15, 24
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
338, BC14100305, 9, 15:24:00, {"command":{"channel":1,"description":"Up"},"type":"generic_blind_1_channel"}
9, 15, 24
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
341, BC1M600204, 9, 09:21:00, {"command":{"channel":3,"description":"Up"},"type":"motolux_multi_remote"}
9, 09, 21
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
382, BC1M600666, 6, 20:34:00, {"command":{"channel":5,"description":"Up"},"type":"motolux_multi_remote"}
6, 20, 34
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
383, BC1M600666, 5, 20:34:00, {"command":{"channel":5,"description":"Up"},"type":"motolux_multi_remote"}
5, 20, 34
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
384, BC1M600666, 9, 08:26:00, {"command":{"channel":5,"description":"Down"},"type":"motolux_multi_remote"}
9, 08, 26
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
388, BC1M600666, 6, 20:27:00, {"command":{"channel":1,"description":"Up"},"type":"motolux_multi_remote"}
6, 20, 27
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
389, BC1M600666, 5, 20:27:00, {"command":{"channel":1,"description":"Up"},"type":"motolux_multi_remote"}
5, 20, 27
0, 06, 25
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
592, MYTEST_3, 0, 06:25:00, CMD
0, 06, 25
0, 06, 25
..match up day code..
__match up hour__
## match up d-h-m ##
** is_schedule_already_pending **
sql:, select count(*) as num from Command where ScheduleId = '592' and CommandComplete = 0 and RemoteName = 'MYTEST_3'
[num] => 0
not there, schedule not in cmd, 0
** insert_into_pending_cmd **
sql:, insert into Command set CommandDate = '2016-09-11 06:25:20',RemoteName = 'MYTEST_3',CommandJSON = 'CMD',CommandComplete = 0,ScheduleId = '592'
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
593, MYTEST_1, 0, 06:25:00, CMD
0, 06, 25
0, 06, 25
..match up day code..
__match up hour__
## match up d-h-m ##
** is_schedule_already_pending **
sql:, select count(*) as num from Command where ScheduleId = '593' and CommandComplete = 0 and RemoteName = 'MYTEST_1'
[num] => 0
not there, schedule not in cmd, 0
** insert_into_pending_cmd **
sql:, insert into Command set CommandDate = '2016-09-11 06:25:20',RemoteName = 'MYTEST_1',CommandJSON = 'CMD',CommandComplete = 0,ScheduleId = '593'
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
594, MYTEST_2, 0, 06:25:00, CMD
0, 06, 25
0, 06, 25
..match up day code..
__match up hour__
## match up d-h-m ##
** is_schedule_already_pending **
sql:, select count(*) as num from Command where ScheduleId = '594' and CommandComplete = 0 and RemoteName = 'MYTEST_2'
[num] => 0
not there, schedule not in cmd, 0
** insert_into_pending_cmd **
sql:, insert into Command set CommandDate = '2016-09-11 06:25:20',RemoteName = 'MYTEST_2',CommandJSON = 'CMD',CommandComplete = 0,ScheduleId = '594'
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
595, MYTEST_0, 0, 06:25:00, CMD
0, 06, 25
0, 06, 25
..match up day code..
__match up hour__
## match up d-h-m ##
** is_schedule_already_pending **
sql:, select count(*) as num from Command where ScheduleId = '595' and CommandComplete = 0 and RemoteName = 'MYTEST_0'
[num] => 0
not there, schedule not in cmd, 0
** insert_into_pending_cmd **
sql:, insert into Command set CommandDate = '2016-09-11 06:25:20',RemoteName = 'MYTEST_0',CommandJSON = 'CMD',CommandComplete = 0,ScheduleId = '595'
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
596, MYTEST_4, 0, 06:25:00, CMD
0, 06, 25
0, 06, 25
..match up day code..
__match up hour__
## match up d-h-m ##
** is_schedule_already_pending **
sql:, select count(*) as num from Command where ScheduleId = '596' and CommandComplete = 0 and RemoteName = 'MYTEST_4'
[num] => 0
not there, schedule not in cmd, 0
** insert_into_pending_cmd **
sql:, insert into Command set CommandDate = '2016-09-11 06:25:20',RemoteName = 'MYTEST_4',CommandJSON = 'CMD',CommandComplete = 0,ScheduleId = '596'
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
597, MYTEST_8, 0, 06:25:00, CMD
0, 06, 25
0, 06, 25
..match up day code..
__match up hour__
## match up d-h-m ##
** is_schedule_already_pending **
sql:, select count(*) as num from Command where ScheduleId = '597' and CommandComplete = 0 and RemoteName = 'MYTEST_8'
[num] => 0
not there, schedule not in cmd, 0
** insert_into_pending_cmd **
sql:, insert into Command set CommandDate = '2016-09-11 06:25:21',RemoteName = 'MYTEST_8',CommandJSON = 'CMD',CommandComplete = 0,ScheduleId = '597'
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
598, MYTEST_6, 0, 06:25:00, CMD
0, 06, 25
0, 06, 25
..match up day code..
__match up hour__
## match up d-h-m ##
** is_schedule_already_pending **
sql:, select count(*) as num from Command where ScheduleId = '598' and CommandComplete = 0 and RemoteName = 'MYTEST_6'
[num] => 0
not there, schedule not in cmd, 0
** insert_into_pending_cmd **
sql:, insert into Command set CommandDate = '2016-09-11 06:25:21',RemoteName = 'MYTEST_6',CommandJSON = 'CMD',CommandComplete = 0,ScheduleId = '598'
== end schedule row ==
== start schedule row ==
599, MYTEST_5, 0, 06:25:00, CMD