So I would really want some way of detecting Field changes of a certain object. I have googled for quite a while but haven't found anything. So basically all I need to know, is when some variable of a object changed. lets take this class for instance:
public class Example{
String text = "test";
public static void main(String[] args){
Example e = new Example();
e.text = "something else";
I would basically want to detect when the 'text' variable has changed. I know many of you would say use getters and setters and such, this is not what I want though.
For a reason I can't easily explain, I need to be able to detect the field change from outside the class. Currently I am thinking of using a second thread that basically just scans a list of objects continuously and use reflection to detect changes that way, but that will obviously make the program heavier than it has to be.
So I hope there is a way of just creating listeners for field changes, does anyone know about libraries/systems/methods to do this?
Let's bring this back to life :)
There are several approaches:
The first one, which I believe works like since Java 6, is to use Bound Properties inside Java Beans (yes, it also works in JavaSE).
In the second, you get most of the things for free, its on Java 7 (javafx 2.0), and it's called JavaFX Properties.
The downside of the latter is that JPA is not friendly with this, so its a bit of a pain to get it running.