I would like to create a preg_match
function to validate my passowrds, but I'm not sure how to write it to allow the following special characters to be used: !@#$%
if(!preg_match(?????)$/', $password))
Here are my password rules that I want to work into the regex:
- May contain letter and numbers
- Must contain at least 1 number and 1 letter
- May contain any of these characters:
- Must be 8-12 characters
Thank you for any help you can offer.
In the above statement.. what possible password thus exist?.
I've done this with my drupal custom form in
here the password should be 6 characters of letters, numbers and at least one special character.I have developed a complete regex for a bit more complex check
Basically I check for the password to have 1 digit, 1 capital, 1 lower and 1 special character. I hope this helps someone looking for a regex.
I think this should look like that:
Between start ->
And end ->
of the string there has to be at least one number ->
and at least one letter ->
and it has to be a number, a letter or one of the following: !@#$% ->
and there have to be 8-12 characters ->
As user557846 commented to your question, I would also suggest you to allow more characters, I usually (if i use a maximum) take at least 50 :)
btw, you might want to take a look at this regex tutorial
I liked r3bel's answer, so I had a play with it and ended up with the following as a password-checking function:
Max/Min lengths are default or adjustable, each requirement is default on, but can be switched off, and I wanted to support any symbols so the last requirement is "anything that isn't one of the above types", rather than a fixed set of symbols.