Ive asked a similar question before and didnt manage to find a direct answer.
Could someone provide sample code for extracting the depth buffer of the rendering of an object into a figure in Matlab?
So lets say I load an obj file or even just a simple surf call, render it and now want to get to its depth buffer then what code will do that for me using both Matlab and OpenGL. I.e. how do I set this up and then access the actual data?
I essentially want to be able to use Matlabs powerful plotting functions and then be able to access the underlying graphics context for getting the depth buffer out.
NOTE: The bounty specifies JOGL but that is not a must. Any code which acts as above and can provide me with the depth buffer after running it in Matlab is sufficient)
the swine's answer is the correct one. Here is a slightly formatted and simpler version that is cross-platform.
Create a file called mexGetDepth.c
Then if youre on windows compile using
or if youre on a nix system
Then run the following small script to test out the new function
Today, I went drinking with my colleagues, and after five beers and some tequillas I found this question and thought, "have at ya!" So I was struggling for a while but then I found a simple solution using MEX. I theorized that the OpenGL context, created by the last window, could be left active and therefore could be accessible from "C", if the script ran in the same thread.
I created a simple "C" program which calls one matlab function, called "testofmyfilter" which plots frequency response of a filter (that was the only script I had at hand). This is rendered using OpenGL. Then the program uses glGetViewport() and glReadPixels() to get to the OpenGL buffers. Then it creates a matrix, fills it with the depth values, and passes it to the second function, called "trytodisplaydepthmap". It just displays the depthmap using the imshow function. Note that the MEX function is allowed to return values as well, so maybe the postprocessing would not have to be another function, but I'm in no state to be able to understand how it's done. Should be trivial, though. I'm working with MEX for the first time today.
Without further delay, there are source codes I used:
Save all of these to the same directory, compile test.c with (type that to Matlab console):
Where "Q:\MATLAB\R2008a\sys\lcc\lib\opengl32.lib" is path to "opengl32.lib" file.
And finally execute it all by merely typing "test" in matlab console. It should bring up a window with filter frequency response, and another window with the depth buffer. Note the front and back buffers are swapped at the moment "C" code reads the depth buffer, so it might be required to run the script twice to get any results (so the front buffer which now contains the results swaps with back buffer again, and the depth can be read out). This could be done automatically by "C", or you can try including getframe(gcf); at the end of your script (that reads back from OpenGL as well so it swaps the buffers for you, or something).
This works for me in Matlab (R2008a). The script runs and spits out the following:
And of course it displays the images. Note the depth buffer range depends on Matlab, and can be quite high, so making any sense of the generated images may not be straightforward.