How can I execute set of batch files from single batch file in parallel and get the exit code from each. When I use start it executes the batch file in parallel (new cmd window) but don't return the exit code from each. And while using call, I can get the exit code but the batch file execution happens sequentially. I have following code:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
sqlcmd -S server_name -E -i select_code.sql >\path\output.txt
for /f "skip=2 tokens=1-3 delims= " %%a in ('findstr /v /c:"-" \path\output.txt') do (
echo $$src=%%a>\path1\%%c.prm
echo $$trg=%%b>>\path1\%%c.prm
set param_name=%%c
start cmd \k \path\exec_pmcmd_ctrm.bat workflow_name %%param_name%%
ping -n 1 -w 5000 > nul
set exitcode="%V_EXITCODE%"
echo %exitcode%>>\path\exitcode.txt
This executes the exec_pmcmd_ctrm.bat 3 times with different variable in parallel , but I am unable to get the exit code from each execution. I tried using call but then I miss the parallel execution of bat file. Any help in this regard?
Here is a pure batch-file solution. Basically, this script executes all batch files located in the same directory simultaneously, where the exit code (
) of each one is written to an individual log file (with the same name as the batch file and extension.log
); these files are checked for existence; as soon as such a log file is found, the stored exit code is read and copied into a summary log file, together with the respective batch file name; as soon as all log files have been processed, this script is terminated; the exit code of this script is zero only if all the exit codes of the executed batch files are zero too. So here is the code -- see all the explanatoryrem
remarks:This approach is quite similar to the one I used in the following Improving Batch File for loop with start subcommand, but there the outputs of simultaneously executed commands are collected.
First of all, the "exit code" from another Batch file (that ends with
exit /B value
command) is taken via%ERRORLEVEL%
variable (not%V_EXITCODE%
). Also, if such a value changes inside aFOR
loop, it must be taken via Delayed Expansion instead:!ERRORLEVEL!
(and EnableDelayedExpansion at beginning of your program). However, these points don't solve your problem because there is a misconception here...When
command is used (without the /WAIT switch), a parallel cmd.exe process start execution. This means that there is not a direct way that the first Batch file could know in which moment the parallel Batch ends in order to get its ERRORLEVEL at that point! There is not a "wait for a started Batch file" command, but even if it would exist, it don't solve the problem of have several concurrent Batch files. In other words, your problem can not be solved via direct commands, so a work around is necessary.The simplest solution is that the parallel Batch files store their ERRORLEVEL values in a file that could be later read by the original Batch file. Doing that imply a synchronization problem in order to avoid simultaneous write access to the same file, but that is another story...