First of all I'm really new into programming i have all these ideas on what i want to do but cannot seem to figure it out. Anyways i want a vbscript or batch file, anything at this point that when executed will ask for user input and say (Name of the file you want to search for). When i type in say hello.txt and hit enter it will then ask me another question saying where do you want me to look for these files. Then if i type in C:\ or any given drive letter it will search the entire drive letter directory including folders inside of folders if im not specific on actual path. Example c:\Program Files (x86)\ it will then search that directory and all of the folders in that directory and not the entire C:\ drive. I'm thinking to achieve this i need to call a function somehow that when i type something in a certain way it calls a function that runs a specific set of code. Example the second question asked file location so i type its location and it runs the code but replaces the location with the location i entered, this way its not only working for the location written into the code and can update and replace the line of code with user input of the location entered. Otherwise having it ask those questions were competently pointless if it doesn't have the ability to be able to replace parts of the code to adapt to user input and be more efficient, and not having to re write the script every single time you wanted to search for a new file.
Sorry lot of rambling on but i have looked everywhere found things like this but nothing close would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out or point me in the rite direction.
This is what i have tryed for user input nothing close to what i want but here it is.
Dim Input Input = InputBox("Enter your name") MsgBox ("You entered: " & Input)
It ask for your name and then says the name you entered i need this concept but when i type that in it calls a function and executes it. Hope someone knows what I'm talking about. Thanks
Here's a script to do that. I'll add comments to it later to explain what each part does. Right now it just outputs everything to a message box, but you can do what you want with it.
// Comments added