I'm having issues installing Pynini for python.
I tried doing it with using pip. From the command line it seems to work, but once I start testing functions, there is nothing, basically.
I tried downloading the tar.gz in http://www.openfst.org/twiki/bin/view/GRM/PyniniDownload
and from then, pip it, but it fails to build the 'wheel'.
It doesn't really tell me much more than this. I looked into the prereqs, but I'm now wondering if it is somehow related to python version.
I'm using python 3...
Any help would be much appreciated.
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a standard-complying C++ 11 compiler is in system requirements (see openfst.org/twiki/pub/GRM/PyniniDownload/README.rst ). try mingW64
Windows C++ compiler with full C++11 support (should work with Qt)