I am doing a NLP project in Windows and the problem is whenever I run Stanford CoreNLP from my command prompt, it takes about 14-15 seconds to generate the XML output of the given input text file. I think that this issue is because the library takes quite a lot of time to load. Can please somebody explain what the problem is and how can I resolve this issue as this time problem is a big issue for my project?
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Stanford CoreNLP uses large model files of parameters for various components. Yes, they take lots of time to load. What you want to do is to only start up the program once and then to feed it lots of text.
How you do that depends what you are doing:
Update 2016: There is now more information on this on the documentation page Understanding memory and time usage
Christopher is correct, here is one of the solutions:
To see how to use the API check the example code "NERDemo.java" in the downloaded folder of Core NLP.