Before this is marked as duplicate I've read quite of few similar questions, but all the answers I've found seem to use $scope, and after reading the documentation I'm not really sure I understand $scope, or why I'd use it in this situation.
I found this tutorial which describes how to do what I'm trying to do.
However, it's using an array of data. I just need one solid variable. In addition, I don't know why he's declaring an additional object to the factory service he creates; why not just use the factory as the object?
I was thinking I could do something like this, but I'm not sure if it will work or not.
Creating my factory/service:
var demoModule = angular.module("demoModule", []);
demoModule.factory("demoService", function() {
var demoSharedVariable = null;
return demoSharedVariable;
Accessing the shared variable in each controller:
var demoControllerOne = demoModule.controller("demoContollerOne", function(demoSharedVariable) {
this.oneFunction = function(oneInput){
demoSharedVariable = oneInput;
var demoControllerTwo = demoModule.controller("demoContollerTwo", function(demoSharedVariable) {
this.twoFunction = function(twoInput){
demoSharedVariable = twoInput;
Will this method produced the shared variable I'm after?
One important thing is if you want to use angular, you have to understand the knowledge of scope.
Since neither you factory or controller is correct, i write a simple example for you to help you understand the service:
detail implementation in this plnkr:
You need to inject the service in order to use it, then access the service variable.
If you are using controllerAs, you rarely (or shouldn't) need to inject and use $scope. As controllerAs is a relatively newer feature, back then we have no choice but to use $scope, so it is not strange to find example with $scope.
Edit: If you are not using controllerAs (like in this example) you would need $scope to expose functions or variables to the view.
There are several place that are not correct I've found while fiddling with it, I'll edit the code. I don't know how to showcase the effect without using advanced concept like $watch, please provide your own fiddle if you don't understand.