I need to make Salesperson ID on SOLine as a required field. But as Transfer orders do not have Salesperson, hence it should only validate when I create orders other than Transfer orders.
I tried with below code but it seems it is not working. Might be it is overrided with some existing code. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions.
public PXSetup<SOOrderTypeOperation,
Where<SOOrderTypeOperation.orderType, Equal<Optional<SOOrderType.orderType>>,
And<SOOrderTypeOperation.operation, Equal<Optional<SOOrderType.defaultOperation>>>>> sooperation;
protected bool IsTransferOrder
return (sooperation.Current.INDocType == INTranType.Transfer);
protected virtual void SOLine_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
var row = (SOLine)e.Row;
if (row == null) return;
PXDefaultAttribute.SetPersistingCheck<SOLine.salesPersonID>(sender, row, IsTransferOrder ? PXPersistingCheck.Nothing : PXPersistingCheck.Null);
I usually thrown an appropriate exception in Row Persisting when the condition exists.
Here is an example from SOShipmentEntry checking for transfer and checking the null value of a field:
I have also called RaiseExceptionHandling similar to this example within RowPersisting
Both examples should stop the page from the save. calling the Raise Exception handling should point out the field with the Red X which is the better approach and easier for the user to find the field in question.
For your example: