In my website when i click on images it opens new page using onclcik openpopup(user defined function)
my problem is google will not index onclcik urls,it only index href urls.
So i want to use use onclcik and href in anchor tag and make only onclick work.href is only for Google crawling purpose only my code is as below
var imgurl = "http:"+lcurl+touch_id+".jpg";
var data = "<div id=charm_"+touch_id+" data-charmid="+touch_id+" data-vis="+bgid+" data-vid="+seid+" data-vtitle="+vtitle_url+" data-title="+title_url+" style='float:left;' class='mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col charm-wrapper'>\n\
<div class='mdl-card-wrapper charm-inner'>\n\
<div class='demo-card-wide mdl-card mdl-shadow--8dp'>\n\
<div class='mdl-card__media'>\n\
"+locicon+" \n\
<a href="popupurl" id='myAnchor' > \n\
<div style='position:relative;'>\n\
<div style='position:absolute;z-index:9;right:0px;bottom:0px;'><img width=32px src="+cf_assets+"img/hanger.png></div>\n\
<div id=imagearea_"+touch_id+" title='"+title+"' class='imagearea loading'>\n\
<div class='mdl-card__title'>\n\
<div class='right-charm'>\n\
<div class='social-share'>\n\
<a onclick=sharetofb('"+ct_domain+socialshare_url+"'); title='Facebook' id=fb"+touch_id+" \n\
<a onclick=sharetotwitter('"+ct_domain+socialshare_url+"'); title='Twitter' id=tw"+touch_id+" class='tw_share'> </a>\n\
<div class='icharm'>\n\
<h2 class='mdl-card__title-text'>"+subtitle+"</h2>\n\
<div class='mdl-card__subtitle-text'>"+title+"</div>\n\
<div id=vid_"+touch_id+" class='mdl-card__subtitle-videoname'>"+videoname+"</div>\n\
if(i == setarr.length-1){
// document.getElementById("main-home-page-inner").innerHTML += html;
/* document.getElementById("fb"+touch_id).setAttribute("onclick","sharetofb('"+title+"','"+text+"','"+ct_domain+socialshare_url+"','"+social_domain+lcurl+touch_id+".jpg')");*/
//addEventListener('click', function (ev) {
// alert("data-charmid"));
// openpopup("data-url"));
// sendpym("data-title"));
// });
.error(function(status, statusText, responseText) {
You can easily do this by returning false from the handler function at the end.
Refer to this post for more details
Also, you can use something like this if you are using JQuery:
In this example I am targeting your anchor tag by tagname. Add a class or ID instead.
Fix your code. Place the elements in quotes. Work correctly with quotes.