Is it possible to have a variable outlet name?. For example you have 10 labels (perhaps seats on bus). each has an outlet, seat1 seat2 etc. Is it possible to have a for loop that concatenates @"seat" to the increment integer. So that I can access seat1, seat2 outlet without having to specify it individually. This doesn’t work but makes it a bit clearer what I am trying to achieve.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [seatarray count]; i++)
[@”seat” stringByAppendingString[ i stringValue]] = @””;
Starting iOS4 you can use
which allows to connect multiple instances to a single outlet which represents an array of objects, e.g. IBOutletCollection which can store UILabels only:It might be easier to simply create the array yourself at load time:
You should be able to do that with key-value coding, something like (untested code)
for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i) { [self setValue:@"foo" forKey:[@"seat" stringByAppendingFormat:@"%d", i]]; }