I have a file in Google Drive with id=0B3fqdol6s0bWZHV3RWpoV1gyWkk
And I created appscript to download it over a link automatically. The code looks like this
function doGet(e) {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(downloader());
function downloader() {
var out = "<body onload='dllink.click()'>";
out +="<a id='dllink' href='https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B3fqdol6s0bWZHV3RWpoV1gyWkk'>wait will download automatically<a/>";
out +="</body>";
return out;
Then, I developed it as webapps so my friend can download it easily using link https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbzzToo8gwgdj30FBLrjA1izcfv4rddjW6VClaEGuNXAqZAkIH7S/exec
It's working perfect on PC browser, but sadly, It can't work on mobile phone browser which doesn't support handle onload event or javascript.
So, is there any solution to make an appscript download a file based on its id automatically?
Try it by using an iFrame:
*Backslashes are for escaping