I am trying to automate some bit of IE, I'm successfully so far but got stuck with clicking on a dropdown from the IE dropdown as it is having a change event. I was able to click on the dropdown but unable to make the selection from the dropdown.
The code I'm trying to input the value is working but change event is not working.
HTML.getElementById("TAT_Deaprtment_REASSIGN_DIALOG_FACILITY_AUTOCOMPLETE").Value = "DropDownValuetobeselected"
The code I'm trying to click on the dropdown is working, but unable to make the selecetion and trigger change event.
Set addressInput = HTML.getElementById("TAT_ARROW")
Below the screenshot of the IE dropdown form
IE Dropdown Screenshot
Below is the source code:-
<TD class=IconArea><A id=TAT_ARROW href="javascript:void(0)" jQuery1480509731310="51"></A></TD>
<SELECT onchange=";processDialog('CMD_REFRESH_DIALOG', 'ETQ$DIALOG_PARENT_TYPE=DOCUMENT&REFRESH_FIELD_NAME=TAT_Deaprtment_REASSIGN_DIALOG_FACILITY', 'TAT_Deaprtment_REASSIGN_DIALOG_FACILITY');" onfocus="window.status=unescape('Field name is TAT_Deaprtment_REASSIGN_DIALOG_FACILITY');" onblur="window.status='';" class=FormField style="DISPLAY: none" size=1 name=TAT_Deaprtment_REASSIGN_DIALOG_FACILITY optionsLoaded="true"><OPTION class=FormField value=39>DropDownValuetobeselected</OPTION><OPTION class=FormField selected value=""> </OPTION></SELECT>
Also Posted Here:- Link