If I have a vector, for example
vec <- c(3,4,5,NA)
I can replace the NA with the median value of the other values in the vector with the following code:
vec[which(is.na(vec))] <- median(vec, na.rm = T)
However, if I have a matrix containing NAs, applying this same code across all columns of the matrix doesn't give me back a matrix, just returning the medians of each matrix column.
mat <- matrix(c(1,NA,3,5,6,7,NA,3,4,NA,2,8), ncol = 3)
apply(mat, 2, function(x) x[which(is.na(x))] <- median(x, na.rm=T) )
#[1] 3 6 4
How can I get the matrix back with NAs replaced by column medians? This question is similar: Replace NA values by row means but I can't adapt any of the solutions to my case.
as last line of the function within apply will solve it.There is a convenient function (
) inzoo
to replace the NA elements with the specifiedFUN
.Or as @G.Grothendieck commented,
can be directly applied on thematrix