I wanted to group per topic or know from which topic a message comes when applying:
val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String](
Subscribe[String, String](
However in the latest API kafka010 does not seem to support a message handler as in previous versions. Any idea on how to get the topic?
My goal is to consume from N topics process them (in different ways depending on the topic) and then push it back to another N topics in a 1:1 mapping of the topics:
SrcTopicA--> Process --> DstTopicA
SrcTopicB--> Process --> DstTopicB
SrcTopicC--> Process --> DstTopicC
But there are some attributes that need to be shared (that change a lot so there is no possibility of using a broadcast variable). So all the topics need to be consumed in the same spark job.
You can filter the stream using
like this:When you use
in 0.10 you get back aConsumerRecord
. This record has atopic
value. You can create a tuple of the topic and value: