Initialize conversation by service

2019-09-14 20:42发布

I am relatively new in timer services. So, i want to generally ask for an example or pseudo code how to initialize conversation with user using microsoft bot framework ?

Idea :

In my web site with users and events i want to notify user when his/her event will take time. For example if he/her follows an event, send notification as conversation on facebook before the event starts or something like that.

I made authentication for users on my bot. This is my next step.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you in advance !

2楼-- · 2019-09-14 20:55

Take a look to the AlarmBot sample. It shows an scenario pretty similar to yours. Is a complex sample so take the time to understand all the pieces.

Additionally, you can take a look to this GitHub repo, where you will find simpler examples on how to send proactive messages.

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