Good morning everyone!
So I have taken this code from as it should be seen below.
What I want to know is if anyone can help me with -
Having all the photos import across 'Row B', instead of in a column fashion. And how to add the 'File Names' (i.e. excel_image2.jpg) of said images, above each of their image in 'Row A'.
Thanks for all the help ahead of time!
Sub InsertPictures()
'Update 20140513
Dim PicList() As Variant
Dim PicFormat As String
Dim Rng As Range
Dim sShape As Shape
On Error Resume Next
PicList = Application.GetOpenFilename(PicFormat, MultiSelect:=True)
xColIndex = Application.ActiveCell.Column
If IsArray(PicList) Then
xRowIndex = Application.ActiveCell.Row
For lLoop = LBound(PicList) To UBound(PicList)
Set Rng = Cells(xRowIndex, xColIndex)
Set sShape = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(PicList(lLoop), msoFalse, msoCTrue, Rng.Left, Rng.Top, Rng.Width, Rng.Height)
xRowIndex = xRowIndex + 1
End If
End Sub
ManishChristian- This does just the file name but it's in Column A and Column B.
user3598756- has it going to 'Row 1' for the 'File Address' and 'Row 2'for the images which is exactly what I wanted.
I just need either Manish's to go from Column A and B to Rows 1 and 2 or for user3598756 to chop down to just the file name with extension, not the full path.
I tried just adding "Filename = Dir(PicList(lLoop), vbDirectory) `~~> Getting only filename from path" (without your comment) to Manish's lLoop but it error'd.
Assuming "Row B" is "Row 2" and "Row A" is "Row 1" you could try this:
If you want only file name, try this: