I'm using GDBus (via Glib) and I have code like:
method_call_message = g_dbus_message_new_method_call(owner,
GVariant *gv = g_variant_new("(sissi)", ip, port, mib, variable, instance);
g_dbus_message_set_body(method_call_message, gv);
I assume method_call_message is now a container for gv.
Before exiting I call:
I assume this will then schedule BOTH method_call_message and gv for GC?
When is GC done?
I appear to be leaking some 4 bytes at a time as I watch the top updates on VIRT memory.
I have commented out pieces of code till I localized it (the leak) to my GDBus calls.
Using some Valgrind magic:
I was able to winnow out the memory management obfuscation and get to a call-stack that showed the problem. The Valgrind output indicated that all my memory losses were associated with calls to g_variant_get(...):
Obviously the call to g_variant_get(...) begats a call to g_strdup(...) (if your format_string includes an 's' for string). So, in my case, the code is:
And a call to g_free(...) frees the allocated storage.
Now I get: