Suppose I have 2 CSV files:
file 1:
Epitope Name,Epitope,Protein,position,position
File 2:
Essentially, I want to see if the contents of row 1 in file 1 are found in row 10 of file 2. If the contents match, I'll print a 3rd csv that is a new version of file 1 with a column saying found or not found.
Right now, I'm getting not found for everything, which I know not to be the case. In some cases, the text from file 1 may be found inside a larger block of text from file 2.
Here's what I have so far (adapted from an answer found earlier):
import csv
f1 = file ('all_epitopes.csv', 'rb')
f2 = file ('positiveBcell.csv', 'rb')
f3 = file ('results.csv', 'w')
c1 = csv.reader((f1), delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
c2 = csv.reader((f2), delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
c3 = csv.writer((f3), delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
positiveBcell = [row for row in c2]
for all_epitopes_row in c1:
row = 1
found = False
for master_row in positiveBcell:
results_row = all_epitopes_row
if all_epitopes_row[2] == positiveBcell[10]:
results_row.append('FOUND in Bcell List (row ' + str(row) + ')')
found = True
row = row +1
if not found:
results_row.append('NOT FOUND in Bcell list')
Suppose your two files
file 1:
File 2:
After OP's comment: