I'm trying to make my first Discord Bot using Python, and it works perfectly on my desktop Windows computer. I also have a laptop running Ubuntu that I cloned the repository to in Intellij that isn't working correctly. Because I'm using slightly different Python versions (3.6.1 vs 3.5.2), I set it up to ignore my misc.xml
file since it includes a Project-JDK-Name. I manually recreated it on my laptop based on an autogenerated one from another project (3.5.2).
On the laptop, it underlines the import discord
line and tells me it cannot find the module. I have installed it using python3 -m pip install discord
and reinstallation tells me it already exists.
Based on this link, I also tried running python3
then import discord
in cmd, and got no output, so I'm assuming it didn't have an error. Why, then, does my Python project not see the module?
Project Structure: http://imgur.com/a/ewddr
Your ide might have been using a different python interpreter than the one you download discord.py to. You will need to change the sdk settings. Follow this tutorial: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2017.1/configuring-python-interpreter-for-a-project.html