I just installed MAMP 3.2 on Windows 10 and I've noticed debug.log in MAMP/logs directory increasing its size every second with this message:
14/04/2016 8:48:33:::Error in GetAllFileNamesFromDirectoryWithFileMask.
14/04/2016 8:48:34:::Error in GetAllFileNamesFromDirectoryWithFileMask.
14/04/2016 8:48:35:::Error in GetAllFileNamesFromDirectoryWithFileMask.
14/04/2016 8:48:36:::Error in GetAllFileNamesFromDirectoryWithFileMask.
Do you know how to solve it? Thanks.
P.S. This is my first question
Looks like this issue is solved on MAMP 3.2.1.
If you use Ransomware Protrction (Bitdefender, ...)
Add trusted applications
restart MAMP