I was trying to send a single file to the server without having to change the webpage. I decided to use this plugin: http://cmlenz.github.com/jquery-iframe-transport/ I am very confused on how to proceed for an upload without changing the webpage... the uploadimg.php returns:
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: photo in <b>C:\website\uploadimg.php</b> on line <b>2</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: photo in <b>C:\website\uploadimg.php</b> on line <b>3</b><br />
<img src="userimg/" />
My files:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-iframe-transport.js"></script>
$('#photo1').on('change', function(){
url: "uploadimg.php",
files: $("#photo1:file"),
iframe: true,
processData: false
<input type='file' name='photo' id='photo1' /></br>
$file_tmp = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'][0];
$file = $_FILES['photo']['name'][0];
move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, "userimg/$file");
echo '<img src="userimg/' .$file .'" />';
after a lot of searching I found this simple easy file uploading using ajax. you can find it at upload in php without refreshing
You are not submitting a form, so the 'photo' field is not going to be sent with the AJAX call. If you have a debugger available, check the $_FILES array to see what got populated. From this, it appears that you might be looking for a 'userfile' index, but I'm not sure.