I’m currently using PDFBox to read the text of a set of pdfs that I’ve inherited.
I’m only interested in reading the text, not making any changes to the file.
The code that works for most of the files is:
File pdfFile = myPath.toFile();
PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(pdfFile );
Writer sw = new StringWriter();
PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
stripper.setStartPage( 1 );
stripper.writeText( document, sw );
String documentText = sw.toString()
For most files, I wind up with the text in the documentText field.
But, for 3 of 24 files, the documentText content for the first file is “\r\n”, for the second “\r\n\r\n”, and for the third “\r\n\r\n\r\n:, But the three files are not consecutive. Multiple good files are between each of these files.
The File is derived from a java.nio.Path. The WindowsFileAttribute that is part of the Path has a size of 279K, so the file is not empty on disk.
I can open the file and view the data, and it looks like the other files that my code reads.
I’m using Java 8.0.121, and PDFBox 2.0.4. (this is the latest version, I believe.)
Any suggestions? Is there a better way to read the text? (I’m not interested in the formatting, or fonts used, just the text.)
Reading multiple PDF docs using pdfbox in java