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I'm getting picture to my app from camera / gallery intent. In many phones picture that I read from the intent / Uri is already rotated to correct orientation. For example N1, Legend, Desire that is the case.
But then on some phones ( for example Milestone1, GalaxyS) the picture is always in landscape more no matter which way the picture was taken. This means that in my application portrait picture is presented wrong way to the user. I tried to read EXIF info of the picture but orientation tag is always 0. There has to be a way to find out the right orientation of the picture because in Milestone1 the gallery application shows the portrait pictures correctly.
How do I know if I need to rotate the picture myself before showing it to the user?
Thank you for you help!
You have to create the gallery object using contentresolver first and then pass the uri created to the image capture intent. Then you can look at the exif data, NOT the gallery orientation data.
The simple exiftodegree answers only consistently work when you have taken a photo and i use it for such. For those of you experiencing issues with choosing a photo and getting the correct orientation, see my answer here: Image Orientation - Android
Use it this way!
And in the code,
What I am doing : first check the orientation of image taken by camera using its meta data information , and If we found this in portrait then we have to rotate the image by 90 and display otherwise only display.
For getting the Information about orientation of image we can use Exif interface. That's It!