My date data in x axis is in this format: 11/15 (without year). How to show dates in a chart from 15Nov to 29Apr in Excel? Below chart is not correct. The first dates have moved to end.
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I converted dates to text using: =TEXT(B2,"mm/dd") for all of rows.
Excel will add a default year (current year) for you when you enter just the month and day. so 15-Nov is actually 15-Nov-2017, and 29-Apr will also be 29-Apr-2017. So the 29-Apr will be assumed sooner than 15-Nov. I know you want 15-Nov for previous year and 29-Apr for next year but excel does no know your meaning..
So, you have to add the year part to your dates (even manually or using an formula) to specify exact order of dates and then use a format string to hide year in your cells like as