I've made a couple of twig extensions but I'm stumped on this one.
I have the following template logic that I want to make into an extension.
I need reuse this logic into many different forms instead of copying and pasting the following code everywhere:
{% if html5validation is not defined %}
{{ form_start(some_form) }}
{% else %}
{% if html5validation %}
{{ form_start(some_form) }}
{% else %}
{{ form_start
company, {'attr': {'novalidate': 'novalidate'}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
With the above code from the controller I can do the following to turn the html5 validator on and off:
$this->render(..., array(html5validation => false));
I want put the template logic into the twig extension below...
I just don't know if it's possible to implement what I've done above in a twig extension.
class HTML5Validation extends \Twig_Extension
public function getFunctions()
return array(
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('html5validation', array($this, 'setValidation')),
public function setValidation($boolean)
//Implement the same logic as the twig template.
public function getName()
return 'html5validator';
In the absence of a more elegant solution, you can always put the twig fragment given in your question into a separate file and use twig include from your various forms. The included fragment has access to the variables from the surrounding context:
Then in the twig file for the form:
If you typically pass a 'form' variable into render() in your controller(s) then you can use that in your form_start fragment. Otherwise you can pass the appropriate form in as a variable:
The short answer is no - you can't do this using a twig extension, it's not what they're meant for.
Looking at your template fragment I'd say you need to customise the form_start block. To do this see Symfony Form Theming and How to customise form rendering.
EDIT: This solution does not work if your customised code requires local twig variables - only global twig variables are available for form theming. You can define your own twig globals in config.yml or in a twig extension.
For example, to override form_start globally, you find the default definition of the form_start block in form_div_layout.html.twig, copy it into your own form theme file e.g. YourBundle/Form/fields.html.twig, modify it as required and and update the twig configuration to apply your form theme file. Something like this:
I actually found a better way to do what I wanted.
As a plus it works globally instead of having to populate more fields into your controller!
In YourBundle/Resources/views/validation.toggle.html.twig
Then if you want to turn off html5 validation across the whole website:
Even better just use it in your
if you want validation on by default on production mode but the ability to toggle validation on and off for dev mode.Finally use it in your twig template normally:
Reusable and non invasive, exactly like I wanted it. :)
I got the hint from: