I have the breadcrumbs function in my header.php. I don't want to the breadcrumbs to appear on my homepage but all other pages I want it to appear. Please help in how I can achieve this.
The function to display the breadcrumbs in the header is:
<div id="breadcrumbs" class="container">
<div class="row">
<?php breadcrumb_trail( array(
'separator' => '»',
'before' => '',
'show_home' => '<img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/breadcrumb-home.png" />',
) ); ?>
Ok i managed to solve this..
I replaced the body tag of my header with
<body<?php if(! is_home()) echo ' id="homepage"';?>>
and this to my css
body#homepage#breadcrumbs {visibility: hidden;}
meaning that if the current page is the homepage, the breadcrumbs will not be shown.