I have Added a new option in TinyMCE CharMap . but since font was not supporting in client system so how do we import custom font to Rupess symbol appear perfectly .
tinymce.PluginManager.add("charmap", function(e) {
function t() {
return [
["8377", "Rupess Symbol"],
["160", "no-break space"],
..So on
["8207", "right-to-left mark"]
Please any one suggest or provide live fiddle with font supported and display Rupess Symbol . since we can't install font on client systems . Thanks
Are you asking how you get a client machine to use a font you want to support a symbol? Effectively you can't control what someone installs on their machine.
What you may be able to do is use inline styles to define the font family for the symbol to a font family that would work on most platforms?
Perhaps something like this:
In my brief testing this renders on Windows and Mac machines.