I'm new to d3 js. I'm looking for a chart like this one done in highcharts. In highcharts it is called column range graph. Is there any way to achieve this.
When I search in google the best thing I can get is a basic bar chart. Can any one help me how to make it a ranged graph?
Your link to a basic bar chart does not work. That just looks like a horizontal bar chart, of which there are many exapmles. Here is one: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/2368837
Imagine I have dataset like this:
Here in the dataset
will have a cost range from55$ to 190$
. HereTelevision & Video
will have a cost range from75$ to 190$
depending on quality.Let's make x scale.
Lets make the rectangle bars.
Now for transition the width of the bar will be:
Full working code here.