Having the following matrix and vector.
3,6,9), nrow = 3)
w <- c(1,1,1)
res <- c()
What is the best way to multiply recursiverly till obtain a desire sum of the results as exemplified:
res[1]<-w %*%x[1,]
res[2]<-w %*%x[2,]
res[3]<-w %*%x[3,]
res[4]<-w %*%x[1,]
res[5]<-w %*%x[2,]
sum(res)>1000 #Multiply recursiverly till the sum of the results sum(res) goes further than 1000.
Here is how to do it recursively:
Call it with your pre-defined objects. That is:
Which will give you:
If you always have data on the same format then something along the lines
will give the answer to you without having to loop. Could be wrapped in a function to handle another value than 1000.
At least as how I understand your question