I want to add some users who are in this file like:
a b
c d
e f
firstname lastname always
Lines=$(cat newusers.txt | wc -l)
first=$(cat newusers.txt | awk '{print $1}')
last=$(cat newusers.txt | awk '{print $2}')
echo $Lines;
echo $first;
echo $last;
until [ -z $1]; then
useradd - m -d /home/$1 -c "$1 + $2" $1
before loop it works fine but I can't add newline.
The echo shows a c e
and second for lastname b d f
I tried to add newline in but it doesn't works.
What can i use for this? Because I guess I can't add the user because of the newline problem.
I also searched on stackoverflow to find out a way to check if the user already exists by /dev/null
but which variable do i have to use for it?
I do not understand what you mean to do by your code, but if you want to read the file line by line and get the values of different fields then you can use the following code snippet:
Note: You cannot add users the way you want to using bash script; since you will be prompted for password which must be supplied using
you can useexpect
to program it; or use system calls.It's easier to process the file line by line: