I've compiled a corpus of tweets sent over the past few months or so, which looks something like this (the actual corpus has a lot more columns and obviously a lot more rows, but you get the idea)
id when time day month year handle what
UK1.1 Sat Feb 20 2016 12:34:02 20 2 2016 dave Great goal by #lfc
UK1.2 Sat Feb 20 2016 15:12:42 20 2 2016 john Can't wait for the weekend
UK1.3 Sat Mar 01 2016 12:09:21 1 3 2016 smith Generic boring tweet
Now what I'd like to do in R is, using grep for string matching, plot the frequency of certain words/hashtags over time, ideally normalised by the number of tweets from that month/day/hour/whatever. But I have no idea how to do this.
I know how to use grep to create subsets of this dataframe, e.g. for all tweets including the #lfc hashtag, but I don't really know where to go from there.
The other issue is that whatever time scale is on my x-axis (hour/day/month etc.) needs to be numerical, and the 'when' column isn't. I've tried concatenating the 'day' and 'month' columns into something like '2.13' for February 13th, but this leads to the issue of R treating 2.13 as being 'earlier', so to speak, than 2.7 (February 7th) on mathematical grounds.
So basically, I'd like to make plots like these, where frequency of string x is plotted against time
Here's one way to count up tweets by day. I've illustrated with a simplified fake data set:
Here's a way to plot the data using
. I've also summarized the data frame on the fly within ggplot, using thedplyr
packages:Regarding your date formatting issue, here's how to get numeric dates: You can turn the day month and year columns into a date using
and/or turn the day, month, year, and time columns into a date-time column usingas.POSIXct
. Both will have underlying numeric values with a date class attached, so that R treats them as dates in plotting functions and other functions. Once you've done this conversion, you can run the code above to count up tweets by day, month, etc.You can see that the underlying values of a POSIXct date are numeric (number of seconds elapsed since midnight on Jan 1, 1970), by doing
. Likewise for a Date object (number of days elapsed since Jan 1, 1970):as.numeric(dat2$date)