If I have two known locations and a known speed, how can I calculate the current position at distance d (in km)?
For example, given:
Two gps locations in ES4236:
37.783333, -122.416667 # San Francisco
32.715, -117.1625 # San Diego
Traveling at 1km/min in a straight line (ignoring altitude)
How can I find the gps coordinate at a certain distance? A similar SO question uses VincentyDistance in geopy
to calculate the next point based on bearing and distance.
I guess, more specifically:
How can I calculate the bearing between two gps points using
?Using VincentyDistance to get the next gps point by bearing and distance, how do I know if I have arrived at my destination, or if I should keep going? It doesn't need to be exactly on the destination to be considered being arrived. Maybe any point with a radius of .5 km of the destination is considered 'arrived'.
import geopy
POS1 = (37.783333, -122.416667) # origin
POS2 = (32.715, -117.1625) # dest
def get_current_position(d):
# use geopy to calculate bearing between POS1 and POS2
# then use VincentyDistance to get next coord
return gps_coord_at_distance_d
# If current position is within .5 km of destination, consider it 'arrived'
def has_arrived(curr_pos):
return True/False
d = 50 # 50 km
print get_current_position(d)
print has_arrived(get_current_position(d))
Ok, figured I'd come back to this question and give it my best shot given that it hasn't seen any other solutions. Unfortunately I can't test code right now, but I believe there is a solution to your problem using both geopy and geographiclib. Here goes.
From the terminal (possibly with sudo)
Now with Python
Get Current Position
Has Arrived
Like I said, I unfortunately can't test this, but I believe this is correct. It's possible there will be some unit differences with the bearing calculation: it calculates bearing off of North as seen here. Sorry if this isn't exactly correct, but like I said since this hasn't received a response since I figured I may as well throw in what I know.