I'm new to the whole Crypto thing, so I beg some basic pointers.
I need to load .PEM (X509) "-----BEGIN RSA XXX KEY----- -----END RSA XXX KEY-----" into a Windows Crypto Api context to use with C++ (I found examples for Python and .NET but they use specific functions I can't relate to the plain Windows Crypto Api)
I understand how to encrypt/decrypt once I've got a HCRYPTKEY. BUT, I just don't get how to import the Base64 blob in the .PEM file(s) and get a HCRYPTKEY that I can use out of it.
I have that stange feeling that there is more to it than simply calling CryptDecodeObject().
Any pointers that can put me on track? I've already lost 2 days doing "trial & error" programming and getting nowhere.
I discovered the "magic" sequence of calls to import a RSA public key in PEM format. Here you go:
I'm currently facing the same difficulty. I haven't finished coding a solution but as I understand it you need to strip off the ----- BEGIN etc ----- and ----- END etc ------ tags and decode the Base64.
This leaves you with a DER encoded string, which you need to parse to get the modulus and public exponent. From those you can populate the PUBLICKEYSTRUC and RSAPUBKEY structures. Good luck ;-)
KJKHyperion said in his answer:
This sequence really helped me understand what's going on, but it didn't work for me as-is. The second call to
gave me an error: "ASN.1 bad tag value met". After many attempts at understanding Microsoft documentation, I finally realized that the output of the fist decode cannot be decoded as ASN again, and that it is actually ready for import. With this understanding I found the answer in the following link:http://www.ms-news.net/f2748/problem-importing-public-key-4052577.html
Following is my own program that imports a public key from a .pem file to a CryptApi context: