I'm creating a responsive game with Phaser. The width is fixed to 360 and the height gets calculated to a fitting ratio.
var height = (360 * screen.height) / screen.width;
var game = new Phaser.Game(360, ratio, Phaser.AUTO, "", {preload: preload, create: create, update: update});
In the create() function I then resize it to 100%, so the screen is filled:
function create () {
document.querySelector("canvas").style.width = "100%";
document.querySelector("canvas").style.height = "100%";
// more stuff...
However, if I now click or do anything, the canvas gets resized back to 360xheight. How can I disable that?
Phaser actually has the ability to scale the game/canvas to the width or height of the window built-in.
Try using the ScaleManager instead. In your case probably
, and it can be set in your boot state (meaning early on in your code):You can see an example of this in practice in this tutorial on State, and the official example.