Sales data contains dynamic product names which can contian any characters.
Dynamic pivot table is created based on sample from Crosstab with a large or undefined number of categories
translate() is used to remove bad characters.
In result pivot table column names are corrupted: missing characters and spaces are removed. How to return data with same column names as in source data ? I tried to use
quote_ident(productname) as tootjakood,
instead of
'C'||upper(Translate(productname,'Ø. &/+-,%','O')) as tootjakood,
but it returns error
ERROR: column "Ø, 12.3/3mm" does not exist
create temp table sales ( saledate date, productname char(20), quantity int );
insert into sales values ( '2016-1-1', 'Ø 12.3/3mm', 2);
insert into sales values ( '2016-1-1', '+-3,4%/3mm', 52);
insert into sales values ( '2016-1-3', '/3,2m-', 246);
do $do$
voter_list text;
create temp table myyk on commit drop as
select saledate as kuupaev,
'C'||upper(Translate(productname,'Ø. &/+-,%','O')) as tootjakood,
sum(quantity)::int as kogus
from sales
group by 1,2
drop table if exists pivot;
voter_list := (
select string_agg(distinct tootjakood, ' ' order by tootjakood) from myyk
create table pivot (
kuupaev date,
)', (replace(voter_list, ' ', ' integer, ') || ' integer')
execute (format($f$
insert into pivot
from crosstab($ct$
from myyk
order by 1
select distinct tootjakood
from myyk
order by 1
) as (
kuupaev date,
replace(voter_list, ' ', ' + '),
replace(voter_list, ' ', ', '),
replace(voter_list, ' ', ' integer, ') || ' integer' -- 4.
end; $do$;
select * from pivot;
Postgres 9.1 is used.
You should use double quotes. Because you are using spaces to identify column separators, you should remove spaces from column names (or change the way of separators identification).
you'll get: