I am creating a GUI in a java fxml project using netbeans. I wanted to use bootstrap to style the gui but I have noticed that everything in javafx is prefixed with fx-
. Is there still a way to get bootstrap to work anyway for my project? Does bootstrap even work with javafx?
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Rendering Bootstrap inside a JavaFX WebView
Bootstrap is an HTML based framework.
So to use Bootstrap in JavaFX, use JavaFX's HTML rendering component WebView to render Bootstrap HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
Sample Application
Sample application performing a basic integration of Bootstrap and a JavaFX UI.
The JavaFX buttons on the top of the screen navigate around a WebView page to render different kinds of Bootstrap components.
Additional, slightly unrelated question
Yes. You can attach click handlers in Java code through the w3c DOM API access WebEngine provides. See the WebEngine documentation for details:
However, for me often is is easier to handle interfacing with w3c documents using JavaScript (specifically jQuery), rather than Java. Here is an example of issuing from Java code, a jQuery call to provide click handlers in a WebView.
On Fextile (Bootstrap look for native JavaFX controls)
Still, it is possible to do the port (as linked in Philippe's answer), and that is what Takayuki Okazaki has created in his Fextile project: "Twitter Bootstrap like UI framework for JavaFX. Apply themes to your application just like Twitter Bootstrap via JavaFX CSS.". Don't expect an exact match with bootstrap in HTML, but it should allow your JavaFX controls which don't use HTML to have a pretty close look to what you would achieve with bootstrap in HTML.
You could also create a hybrid application, where some parts of the UI are from HTML with bootstrap and some are rendered from JavaFX controls using Fextile. If you applied such an approach to the sample application in this answer, then the JavaFX buttons "progress", "jumbotron", etc. would look like their HTML bootstrap counterparts, giving the whole application a more consistent look and feel.
Also, note that there is a similar project for Foundation styles for JavaFX, as announced in this Oracle JavaFX forum post. This project mimics the basic Foundation look for native JavaFX controls. For some usages, adopting Foundation styles may be more appropriate than Bootstrap styles as the project is smaller in scope than Bootstrap (as far as I know).
Here is a Q&A (from the Oracle JavaFX forum post) on how to creating the Foundation style (so somebody can get a relative idea of what is involved for extending Fextile for additional Bootstrap style features). Note that the Q&A is a little old and since then a CSS analyzer has been added to SceneBuilder:
It's not a complete implementation of the bootstrap style but you can start with this css file: https://github.com/watermint/Fextile/blob/master/src/main/resources/fextile.css